Monday, November 26, 2007

Laptops and ASSESMENTS!

After buying a new laptop.. before it even arrives we get the college ones... nevermind, I don't want to sound ungrateful in the slightest as this has been a godsend for me, especially when it comes to revision as I can revise college material ANYWHERE.

Assesment after assesment after assesment..... well at least it's getting through them, the COS and ITAS ones are the hardest to work through as it's things that you need to do over a number of weeks rather than just being exam like and being over with.

I did however enjoy the change in multimedia content, the html and css is more along the lines of what I feel I should be learning. I am really looking forward to the website building assesment, this will bring out the best in everyone in our class I think.